
Safety is paramount in the fablab as one misstep may cause serious injuries not only to youself but others as well. In this webpage, I would be taking you through the basic saftey rules, hazards and symbols you need to know in the fablab.

Basic Safety Rules

  1. Proper attire to be worn in lab includes:
    • Wear long pants & covered shoes.
    • No long sleeved shirts.
    • No adornments or loose accessories.
    • Long hair must be tied up.
  2. Report all injuries no matter how minor to the staff in charge.
  3. Do not operate any machinery unless trained in its safe usage and given permission to do so.
  4. Emergency Procedures:
    • If the alarm sounds, stop work immediatly and wait for staff in charge.
    • If a fire starts in the lab inform everyone immediatly and leave the lab.
    • When reporting emergencies please seek the help of the staff.
    In the event of staff absence please call:
    • 995 for Ambulance & SCDF
    • 999 for Police.
    • 6772-1234 for SP Emergency Hotline.
  5. Keep the workplace neat and orderly after use by:
    • Returning tools to their designated storage areas.
    • Cleaning up debris and chips.
    • Recycling leftover materials.
    This reduces the risk of accidents occuring due to a cluttered workspace.
  6. Report all unsafe conditions or acts to your staff in charge.
  7. Wear Personal Proctective Equipment (PPE) when appropriate.
  8. Strictly follow machine operating procedures.

Symbols & Placards

Here are some common symbols and safety placards that you may see around the workshop. Please familiarise yourslef with them.

Symbols Placards

Common Hazards

Here are some common hazards that may occur when working in the workshop:

1. Mechanical Hazards

2. Electrical Hazards

3. Chemical Hazards

MechHaz ElecHaz ChemHaz